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Finally issue 5 is out
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and enjoy reading it.

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Do you want to share it?
Contact me immediately, 
and I will publish it. Thank you.
Please send entries to downgrade@meta.ua 
thank you all!

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downgrade@meta.ua - If you have any suggestions or materials that you find interesting, send them to this email, thank you

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Владимир Крякнул! Уважение автору
folkmoss love this whole entire thing congrats!
NosyCat I'm just a lonely orange cat watching the world from the windowsill on a starry night. This website gets my pawprint of approval.
Rich Pages on this web site  are not working correctly in Internet explorer 8.
HellCat Замечательный авторский шедевр. Буду постоянным завсегдатым сдесь. Почитал с удовольствием. Редкость для нынешнего интернета. Дай бог проект будет развиваться и далее.  Респект создателю :)
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